Wednesday, 6 July 2011


hey, so I haven't posted in a while as I'm currently waiting for a chance to go and get my Diana film developed, as I now have money, and I also have to finish off my roll on my fisheye, so I thought I'd just share some old snaps I took in the winter from the fisheye, as my blog is starting to feel neglected! I have come to the conclusion that not only does film look a lot cooler, but also it is a lot more reliable that digital. Although there are less chances of you getting a shot, it doesn't need charging all the time, it doesn't have broken memory card, and neither does it mean endless mugshots when people go happy snappy after stealing your camera the whole night! Film is precious and creates much more of a memory and, for me anyway, a lot more excitement! But anyway, I do actually have a new memory card now, so I should be posting more often again, just as soon as I can figure out how to even get the memory card out of the packaging, (another thing that's better about film)! But yeah, thanks for reading my lovelies (:

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